Social & Cultural Engagement
...sharing memories is soul food...
Join me on some of the social & cultural projects I get most of my inspiration from! I am hoping to encourage and motivate people to do their part in creating sustainable and long-lasting relationships, confronting history together successfully. I am always open for new connections so please don't hesitate to contact me.
"Be My Guest" Transatlantic Exchange
2021- ongoing
Currently under development.
If you are interested in partnering up with a student from North America to build a sustainable relationship between Europe and Canada/USA, want to become a partner/sponsor, or want to get involved please reach out!
We are looking for individuals who are interested in engaging in dialogues on transatlantic exchanges, promoting reconciliation, and understanding the process not only the outcome.

Monuments of the Future Transatlantic Exchange
2021- 2022
The Monuments of the Future Program is to engage in a deep dialogue on the culture of remembrance and, in this context, address the handling of common and opposing memories regarding decolonization, racism, exclusion, and memory narratives beyond the mainstream. Participants include but are not limited to the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb (Federal Agency for Civic Education Germany), Harvard University, Ontario College of Art and Design University in Toronto. The program is co-sponsored by the Goethe Institute (Germany).
April 21. 2022 - April 23. 2022 / Washington, D.C. & Alexandria, VA.

Thursday, April 21
Workshop with students from Virgina Tech /Class of Prof. Marcía Feuerstein and Mischa Kuball; Reception at Alexandria City Hall
Friday, April 22
Spaces of Remembrance Design Symposium and Workshop; Reception at Dale Medearis
Saturday, April 23
Walking tour of US National Monuments with Tim Wright

Dale Medearis
Senior Environmental Planner, NVRC
Susan Piedmont-Palladino
Director, WAAC
Tiffany Pache
Coordinator, Alexandria Community Remembrance Project
Lena Joehnk
Director of Cultural Programs North America, Goethe Institut
Kathrin Engler
Curator, Goethe Institut
Jim Halloway
Facilities Coordinator, The Lyceum
John Chapman
Member, City Council of Alexandria
Dr. Thomas Lutz
Head of the Memorial Museums Department of the Toporaphy of Terror Foundation, Berlin
Mischa Kuball
Conceptual Artist and professor at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne
Teddy Rodger
Program Manager, Monuments of the Future
Juli 8. 2022 - Juli 20. 2022 / Berlin & Cologne, Germany

Project Lead, Goethe-Institut Washington:
Lena Jöhnk, Teddy Rodger, Dr. Andrea Zell
Concept and conduction of the workshop to develop the Monuments of the Future toolkit, July 11- 15, 2022:
Marlene Oeken, Martha Schwindling
Toolkit concept, curation, texts, and product design:
Marlene Oeken, Martha Schwindling
Graphic Design:
Jonas Fechner
Dr. Andrea Zell for the Goethe-Institut Washington
First edition 2022 © Goethe-Institut

Corresponds to research. Visit an existing monument and ask questions about it.
Find the meaning and purpose of your own monument or update an existing monument.
With the help of different techniques and interventions, the participants develop their monument proposal and present it.
This is a workshop card set for the project Monuments of the Future?. If you would like to conduct or lead a workshop on the topic of Monuments and Memory Culture yourself, you can use the following pages as a supplement or basis for your discussions and actions.